
The Canopy Colour

Welcome to the enchanting realm of "The Canopy", where a daring blend of climbers and airborne birds thrives. High above, treetops transform into islands, boasting complex ecosystems and teeming with diverse creatures. Like beaches bridging the realms of land and sky, this alien yet beautiful world captivates with its biodiversity. daisy james draws inspiration from this wondrous domain, presenting "The Canopy" wallcover. Embrace its vibrant colours and behold the myriad of captivating sights it offers.

where is the sample located in The Canopy Colour

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Our samples are meant to give you an idea of the material, pattern, and color of the wallcover. However, they have limitations and may not fully represent the complete design. Some nuances and details might not be fully visible, and the overall impact may differ from the sample.

Also available in these colours

The Canopy Green

The Canopy Turquoise